Project Description

Product Description


nitrogen 5%

phosphorous 15%

potassium 5%

fulvic acid 5%

Maleic acid 0.3%

Chelated zinc 0.5%

chelated iron 0.5%

metallic boron 0.5%

Polysaccharide 2%

Features and usage:

– General tonic to improve the density and strength of the root system. It contains natural active ingredients to intensify the roots and their growth. – Pushes the roots to unfold. It helps the plant to withstand various stresses. – Helps the success of new seedlings and raises the success rate of the cuttings and the mind. – Increases the efficiency of the plant to absorb nutrients. Increase the thickness and length of the roots.

Usage recommendations:

Usage rates Dose Timing The crop
From 1-2 liters / acre One week after planting Vegetable crops for seedlings
From 1-2 liters / acre At the beginning of the growing season in March and April Fruit (evergreen)
From 1-2 liters / acre After germination is complete Vegetable crops for seeds
From 1-2 liters / acre Two weeks after the emergence of new growths, Apples of all kinds