Project Description

Product Description

nitrogen 20%

phosphorous 20%

potassium 20%

Other additives 2.5%

:Features and usage

A balanced and integrated fertilizer soluble in water, preferably used in the early stages of the plant’s life.

 A fertilizer that can be immediately absorbed by plants compared to mono-fertilizers. Fertilizer reduces salinity damage in areas where plants are irrigated with salt water.

 – A fertilizer that contains macro and micro nutrients in its chelated form “EDTA”

– A fertilizer that can be sprayed on the leaves in high concentrations, unlike the mono-fertilizers.

Fertilizer has a high degree of purity as it is free of chlorine – sodium – sulfur.

It is suitable for saline lands where there is no sedimentation due to its high purity.

:Usage rates


Notes Usage Rate Usage recommendations
It is placed in the early stages of growth The

second is because it is a balanced fertilizer

Injections with irrigation water of 3-5 kph.

Spray 3:2g/l of water

vegetable crops
Injections with irrigation water of 3-5 kph.

Spray 3:2g/l of water

fruit crops
It is placed in composting in stages The

first growth and also sprayed when necessary

Injections with irrigation water of 3-5 kph.

Spray 3:2g/l of water

field crops