Project Description



Calcium oxide                                     20%

chelate additional materials          80%


Features and usage:

Calset setra is characterized by the fact that it contains calcium loaded with carboxylic acids, which improves its absorption through the root hairs, as well as its movement within the plant tissues, as calcium is one of the non-motile elements.

Provides the plant with its calcium needs and quickly compensates for the calcium deficiency in the plant.

 It increases the percentage of flowers and fruits and reduces the fall of flowers and fruits.

Helps build cell walls and is very important in cell divisions. The plant helps to increase metabolism.

– Helps to increase the efficiency of water absorption.

– Reduces the toxicity of the boron element.

– Reduces the effects of physiological imbalance (hollow heart) in tuber crops, as well as terminal bud death in different crops, and increases the homogeneity of fruits.

 – Increases the stability of the contract and increases the storage capacity of the fruits.


Usage rates:


Usage rate Usage date The crop
1-2CM per Liter of water It is used after successful germination every 15 days

And after flowering and knot every week

Vegetables and legumes

tomato pepper eggplant

Cucurbits – watermelon – zucchini

Cantaloupe – Cucumber

1-2CM per Liter of water Spraying is done after successful flowering

And the decade until full maturity

Column 3 Value 2
1-2CM per Liter of water Spraying is done 60 days after beet planting every week

Up to two weeks after expelling the ears of wheat and rice

And after the corn cobs

Column 3 Value 3